How to repair tips and tricks computers

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Android 4.4.2 KitKat Samsung G900W8 Firmwares Download By Odin

The Samsung Galaxy S5 comes with more than one variants, Below we listed the most of those variants:

Samsung SM-G900F - for Europe
Samsung SM-G900I - for Asia
Samsung SM-G900K | G900L | G900S - for Korea
Samsung SM-G900M - for Vodafone
Samsung SM-G900A - for USA AT&T
Samsung SM-G900T - for USA T-Mobile
Samsung SM-G900V - for USA Verizon
Samsung SM-G900R4 - for US Cellular
Samsung SM-G900P - for USA Sprint
Samsung SM-G900W8 - for Canada

This Guide will show you the right method you should follow to update the Software of any Samsung Galaxy S5 device, That means you can use it to update SM-G900F, SM-G900H, SM-G900T and other variants too, The most important thing is to use the right Firmware files package for each variant.

In this Guide we will use Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900H full firmware files package as an example, But the steps are the same for all variants.

Preparation Steps:
1- Check the current firmware of your mobile, You can check it from Setting > About Phone, Or you can use this easy code *#1234#
2- It is a good idea to write down your device current firmware version, It will be useful later, In case something goes wrong.
3- Charge your mobile's battery to be at least at 90% of charging level.
4- Updating your mobile's firmware will delete everything from your device internal memory, So read this Guide to learn how you can make a backup of your important data (SMS, Contacts, Notes...etc).
5- In case you have an external memory card inserted into your mobile, Then remove it.
6- Download the Samsung USB Driver, And install it, Then restart your computer.
7- Download Odin3 program (Original Android Flasher), Extract to your computer's desktop.
8- Download The suitable Firmware package for your Galaxy S5 Variant, Select the version you want to install it into your mobile.
9- Extract the firmware package to a known location on your computer.

Odin3 Settings:
1- Double click on Odin3.exe to run it.
2- These settings must be checked: Auto Reboot, F.Reset Time.
3- If you have the PIT file of your Samsung model, Then check: Re-Partition

Firmware Files Selection:
- Click on PIT button and select: *.pit
- Click on BL button and select: 5
- Click on AP button and select: 5
- Click on CP button and select: MODEM_G900Hxxxxxxxx_REV00_CL15..._RP0_SIGNED.tar.m d5
- Click on CSC button and select: CSC_Oxx_G900HOxxxxxxx_113..._REV00_user_low_ship.t ar

Putting your mobile into Download Mode:
At this step you have to turn off your Samsung cell phone, Take out its battery and SIM card, Then read this Guide to put it into Download Mode, To be able to install the new firmware into you device you should put it into this mode.
1- Press and Hold Volume Down Key + Home Key then press Power key, And if you get the warning message release all keys and press Volume Up key to enter the Download Mode.
2- Press and Hold Volume Down Key then press Power button, And if you get the warning message release all keys and press Volume Up key to enter the Download Mode.
3- Press and Hold Volume Down Key + Volume Up Key then press Power Key, And if you get the warning message release all keys and press Volume Up key to enter the Download Mode.

Installing the new Firmware into your Samsung Galaxy S5 Device:
1- After you put your mobile into Download Mode, Use the USB cable to connect it to your computer.
2- You have to wait until Windows detects the device and installs any needed drivers.
3- Look at Odin3 program's window, If the program detects your connected device correctly, You should see its COM Port number (0:[COMxx]).
4- You are ready to install the new firmware files into your Samsung mobile, Click Start button to begin.
5- After you click the Start button, Odin3 program will start to install the selected firmware files into the connected device.
6- Odin3 program will restart your Samsung mobile automatically after installing the firmware.
7- Wait until your mobile is restarted.
8- Look again at Odin3 program's window, If your see PASS! word in green, Then the update was done successfully.
9- Disconnect your mobile.
10- When the mobile is fully on, Check the new installed firmware version.
11- Now you are ready to use the device, So reinsert the SIM can Memory cards, Restore your backup, And customize it.

Samsung G900W8 Firmwares:

Android 4.4.2 KitKat:
- G900W8VLU1ANCA / OYA1ANCA RWC Canda Rogers
- G900W8VLU1ANCA / OYA1ANCA FMC Canada Fido Mobile
- G900W8VLU1AND1 / OYA1AND1 FMC Canada Fido
- G900W8VLU1AND1 / OYA1AND1 RWC Canada Rogers
- G900W8VLU1AND1 / OYA1AND1 BMC Canada Bell
- G900W8VLU1AND1 / OYA1AND1 TLS Canada Telus

Android 4.4.2 KitKat Samsung G900W8 Firmwares Download By Odin Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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