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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Setting 3G Network Only In Android Mobile

Mobile android phone is one of the most popular and most in search today, as well as its technological sophistication android phone also has a system that is easy to be customized, including the setting of the android mobile phone network, in this regard we admin of Tabloid Hape is necessary to discuss tips on Setting 3G Network Only in Android Mobile, which is where such questions often we encounter on our editorial desk, either through email or direct contact, in fact Setting 3G Network Only in Android Mobile is fundamental that should be known by every android phone user, knowledge about the article Setting 3G Network Only in Mobile Android will allow users to set up the beloved android phone aka lola them not long loading when browsing or doing activities in social media such as BBM, facebook, twitter and others.

Setting 3G Network Only In Android Mobile is not new information for the android mobile phone users, this information has been circulating on the internet or magazines that discuss tips and tricks android phone, but there is no harm if we come back to the basic android tips on How to Set 3G network Only In Android Mobile.

  Android phone is basically a medium for us as users to more freely in communication, in this case a chat or doing activities in social media notabenya require a data connection or the internet, for the Indonesian region alone network or a data connection is the fastest and has evenly throughout the country is the 3G network though its own network 4G can already be found, but is still limited to major cities yet thoroughly, so we as an android phone user must understand how to set up the android phone to a 3G network only android phone's data connection to get faster , because it only uses 3G networks.

but before we discuss more about Setting 3G Network Only In Android Mobile, you need to consider here are tips or tricks can be done ONLY FOR ANDROID MOBILE NETWORK SUPPORT EXISTING 3G, so if your phone does not support 3G or EDGE only limited or 2G then you can not apply the tricks or tips on How to Set 3G Network Only in Android Mobile on your android phone.

  The way to change the android mobile networks to 3G only just actually very easy, does not require additional third-party applications, or to do rooting your android phone, each phone must have android to change network settings, be it stone age or android phone latest android phone , depending on the availability or support networks that exist in your android phone.

  And we also have made ​​a previous article on this subject, the article entitled How to Change Android Network 2G 3G Being the best solution to turn android phone into a 3G network Only, in this article we have discussed the complete step by step tutorial on changing the mobile network android to 3G Only you can apply on your android phone of course.

  But if the ways it is still too complicated, you can use the second way to change the android phone into a 3G network Only as below:

  •   Simply dial * # * # 4636 # * # * on your android phone.
  •   Then enter the mobile network menu and select the preferred network type and select 3G Only.
  •   After doing the above, the way in automatically your android phone will use the 3G network only.

Setting 3G Network Only In Android Mobile Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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