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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

How to Setting Android Mobile Hotspot Wifi Tethering

How to Setting  Android Mobile Hotspot Wifi Tethering, Phone with android operating system does have many advantages and one of them is to make android phone as a WiFi Hotspot or Tethering, as we know bahawa superior features of the android operating system one is able to share the connection with other gadgets via wifi or often called hotspots or tethering, of course, this feature will be very useful if we were to use another gadget to surf but there is no connection / network around, one solution is to make android phone as a hotspot, of course, with a few necessary settings for android hotspot feature can be activated and not can be used by others.

Setting Mobile Hotspot Wifi Tethering Android Being actually very easy almost equal to Setting 3G Network Only In Android Mobile or Android Network How to Change 2G (EDGE) and 3G Being not as complicated How To Change Font In Mobile Android Without Root, because the Setting Mobile Wifi hotspot Tethering Android Being only a little customization AP name and password in order to connect your android phone hotspot is not used by anyone else.

  ago How to Setting Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot Tethering Android Being? If you are still confused with Wifi Hotspot tethering settings on android phone then you should read this article until the end because we will provide tutorial information on Setting Mobile Hotspot Wifi Tethering Android Being complete with step by step and the image so you are not confused for setting up a hotspot on your favorite android phone.

How to actually make android phone as a wifi hotspot is easy if we already understand and know how to activate wifi hotspot or wifi tethering on the android phone, but as our last promise, that we will give you a tutorial on Setting Mobile Hotspot Wifi Tethering Android Being, without further ado here's the tutorial.

  • Go to the settings menu on your android.
  • Then in the Wireless & Networks select more (See Picture Below)
  • After that select Tethering & Portable Hotspot (See Picture Below)
  • And then to set up a password to enter the menu Set up Wifi Hotspot. 
  • Then Fill in the password to your Wi-Fi Hotspot internet connection from your android phone is not in the 'steal' another person
  • Once completed, then we activate the wifi hotspot on android phone with a portable wifi hotspot menchecklist
      Congratulations wifi hotspot tethering your android phone is activated, your next task is to stay mengkonekan your gadgets via wifi and enter the password that you set earlier, and gadgets you are ready to surf the Internet using a Wi-Fi hotspot tethering your android phone.

How to Setting Android Mobile Hotspot Wifi Tethering Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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